⦿ Group consists of dozens of active/veteran military members. We do not have a rank system - it is entirely voluntary leadership chosen by the server owner with counsel from the community.
⦿ Our main deployment server is live 24/7 and you can leave the wire as long as you bring three other friends with you. Spearhead Gaming has been around over a decade boasting 1,500 discord members dedicated to having fun but no-nonsense Milsim. Current operations have 40+ consistent members attending weekend operations and 20+ during weekday operations.
⦿ Missions/GMing (S3) is run by dedicated, longstanding members of the community. There are decades worth of experience within this team that work side by side with unit leadership to create immersive and unique content.
⦿ For new members and players to Arma 3, we have a mentorship program which will pair you with a dedicated member of the community who will assist you in getting your mods, getting in the server and anything else that you need. Ping @Milsim Mentor in our discord for help.
- Or community features custom Mods and Scripts that you wont find in any other community!
Traditional Infantry focused on combat in Open Terrain and Urban Environments. Utilizing traditional warfare tactics and focused on operations inside of Urban Environments. Will conduct Convoy, Anti-Armor. Anti-Air, Ambush, and MOUT/Cordon and Search Operations. Will conduct as a stand-alone target and objective execution force that will crossover and support the light infantry and other units as needed. Will provide combined arms support via Anvil (heavy armor) and Badger (light armor), as well as fires support via Steel Rain. Also provides Logistical support for re-arm, re-fuel, and repairs in the field.
The 75th Ranger Regiment is the premier light infantry Special Operations Force comprised of specially selected and well-trained Soldiers that are lethal, agile, and flexible force that can conduct Joint Special Operations missions. Our capabilities include conducting airborne and air assaults, seizing airfields, destroying strategic targets, Security/Cordon for other SOF units and Direct Action (DA) Missions.
Air Transport, Air Mobility (Equipment insertion), Fixed and Rotary Wing CAS, Aerial Reconnaissance, MEDEVAC, CSAR, and TACP operations alongside different Task Force Elements.
Let's Connect
We are always looking for more members to join in on the fun of Mil-Sim, if you are looking for a place to call home feel free to come hang out with us.